Greg Maddux was voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame today. His former teammate, John Smoltz, had this to say about him:
He was the smartest player I ever played with. We used to call him Hoover, because he would suck you into an argument and he would always win. He would always win because he had a reason for everything. Sometimes I thought it was just Greg being Greg and making some stuff up. But he had a reason for everything.
This, to me, is the essence of craft. Always have a reason, even if it turns out to be wrong.
Here’s a story about the great Bill Russell speaking to the Seattle Seahawks before a recent game, as related by cornerback, Byron Maxwell:
He was like, the night before the playoffs, everyone would ask him, “Are you nervous?” And he’s like, “No. I’m not playing Bill Russell and the Celtics.”
Pure badass.
The whole city of Chicago just hung their head in sadness that you didn't tag the Cubs.
The city of Chicago should be hanging its head for trading him.