This weekend, we’re having our fourth FLOSS Usability Sprint, once again sponsored by the good folks at Google. Participating projects will include Mozilla, WiserEarth, Social Source Commons, and Drupal! It should be a fantastic event, and we still have some slots for usability folks, so if you’d like to participate, please apply by the end of the day today. (LYO)
Tonight is another installment of WikiWednesday at Socialtext‘s offices in Palo Alto. Bryan Pendleton of Xerox PARC will be discussing his research on conflict resolution and coordination on Wikipedia. I had a chance to talk briefly with him about his work last month, and his talk should be absolutely fascinating. (LYP)
Finally, there’s going to be an unprecedented gathering of folks in the facilitation, Organizational Design, and collaboration community on March 21-23 called Nexus for Change. It will be held at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio (near Detroit). If you’re interested in catalyzing transformation in your organization and in society via collaboration, this is the place to be. I am tremendously bummed that I’m going to have to miss it. I did everything I could to rearrange my schedule, and it just wasn’t to be. Many of my colleagues and friends will be there, as well as some of the deepest thinkers and practitioners in the business. I highly recommend it to everyone, but I’d like to make a special pitch to those of you in the Collaborative Tools business to attend. Should be a tremendous event. (LYQ)