Robin Good interviewed me yesterday for his Kolabora Internet Radio program. We discuss online collaboration — of course! — and the latter half of the conversation is about Identity Commons. (BGV)
Robin also interviewed me last May, after my manifesto came out. What’s really interesting about doing these interviews — besides the fact that I enjoy talking to Robin — is that Robin is always on top of the latest and greatest Internet conferencing tools. Last May’s conversation was videocast. This interview was recorded over the Internet using a tool called iVocalize. It’s like an online walkie talkie over the Internet — you hold down the control key when it’s your turn to talk. It also removes the pauses that occur when a different person starts talking, which makes the end recording sound very fluid. If you listen to the recording, it sounds like Robin and I are having a very natural conversation, when in reality, it was a bit choppy because of the limitations of the tool. (BGW)
In any case, I never tire of the fact that I can talk to someone in Italy in real-time for free using my Web browser. (BGX)