Jonas Luster recruited me to speak at WikiWednesday tomorrow (May 3) at 6pm at the Socialtext offices in Palo Alto. My topic: A No-Holds-Barred Techie Manifesto on How to Make Wikis Truly Kick Ass. Truly. So come. You will not regret it. (KI1)
Jonas Luster recruited me to speak at WikiWednesday tomorrow (May 3) at 6pm at the Socialtext offices in Palo Alto. My topic: A No-Holds-Barred Techie Manifesto on How to Make Wikis Truly Kick Ass. Truly. So come. You will not regret it. (KI1)
Damn. I’d like to hear that. Maybe you’ll post a summary here?
Eugene, I am also eager to find out the main points of your session.
Me, too!
(Thanks to SocialText for the sangria at Pipa’s in NYC!)