I’m looking for volunteers to help me load test Zoom and Google Docs for 30-minutes this Thursday, October 26 at 1pm PT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET. Could you help?
I’m doing an interactive, participatory workshop via Zoom in a few weeks, and I have the lovely challenge of having over 80 people registered. In my design, I have people working individually in the same Google Doc (with lots of tables), then in pairs before coming back together as a full group.
I feel good about the overall design — I’ve done it with over 70 people face-to-face and with less than 20 online. However, I’ve never done it with this many people online, and I just want to test the mechanics of the breakouts and having a large number of people editing a Google Doc with lots of people at the same time.
I’m trying to get as many people as possible to do a lightweight simulation with me this Thursday. Could you spare 30 minutes to help? All I would need you to do would be to log into Zoom and the Google Doc, follow a few instructions, and give me feedback. It might not take the full 30 minutes, and it wouldn’t require your full attention.
The bonus: You’d meet lots of great folks from my community, several of whom have already volunteered to help. I will also document everything I learn and publicly share. If you’re interested in the design of the workshop itself, I’d be happy to discuss that with you also.
Please leave a comment below if you’d be willing to help, and please spread the word as well! My goal is to recruit at least 40 people. Many, many thanks!