[XML-SIG] WSDL library ?
> The discussion seems to be heating up a bit, so I'm gonna start to slow
>> down in terms of posting. :) With this note I'll try to summarize some
>> things that seem to have been mis-undrestood. (01)
Wow. I must be getting to used to XML-DEV :-) I thought we were having a
chummy palaver. (02)
> The ability to transmit pointer-using data types (e.g, a balanced tree
>> in C/C++), to make changes on the server, and to send the new tree back
>> such that the client can reconstruct -- that can be important and
>> useful. Sure, Corba proves that you can solve real-world problems
>> without it, but that doesn't reduce its utility. The SOAP id/href
>> technique makes that possible. Server or client-side state has nothing
>> to do with it. (03)
I still don't understand, and I have a feeling I won't understand until I have
a good example. You mention a tree. Do you mean you ship the tree using
SOAP, and use multi-reference to indicate parent or child pointers? OK. I
understand that, but you can do the same thing using hierarchical generic
structures. (04)
So I guess your really convincing argument would be to do the same thing for
more complex graphs. Dare I suggest that RDF handles this very well? If I
had complex graphs that I wanted to send and XML seemed a suitable format, I'd
use RDF. (05)
But assume we don't have this third man poking in his head. Even if I had to
use CORBA, I see no reason why I wouldn't simply prefer to transmit an
adjacency table. (06)
Basically, I'm still having trouble seeing where I might actually be missing
pointers in distributed programming, except in the complex life-cycle matters
which you seme to admit are just as hard for SOAP. (07)
Oh well, to each his POV. (08)
> It has been more than three years since I left the COM, Corba, DCE
>> middleware trenches, and I've gladly forgotten many details, but I don't
>> believe it's possible to use Corba IIOP without using the Corba object
>> model. Most of the distributed computing world does not use the Corba
>> object model.
>> As for pointers, etc., I'd like to see the IIOP serialization of a
>> doubly-linked list. (09)
Easy: an array. (010)
> In an earlier message I refered to XSD files at
>> http://www.zolera.com/schemas/2001/11/ ; unforunately our ISP (good ole
>> Win-chapter 11-Star) had problems, which seem to be fixed. They are
>> real, not contrived examples, used in our Tamarin product; a server that
>> does XML signatures and encryption. (011)
Cool. I'll have a look. I'm honestly intrigued. (012)
> Pace. (013)
Absolutely! (014)
Uche Ogbuji Principal Consultant
uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com +1 303 583 9900 x 101
Fourthought, Inc. http://Fourthought.com
4735 East Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301-2537, USA
XML strategy, XML tools (http://4Suite.org), knowledge management (015)