How Hackers Collaborate

The January SDForum Collaboration SIG meeting is tomorrow (Monday), 6:30-9pm, January 23 at the Pillsbury Winthrop law firm in Palo Alto. The topic: “How Hackers Collaborate.” We’ve got an outstanding set of “panelists”: Lee Felsenstein, Jim Warren, and David Weekly. Lee is a legendary hacker from the Homebrew Computer Club days, the founder of the Community Memory Project, and the founder of the Fonly Institute. Jim founded the Computers, Freedom & Privacy Conference and Info World, and was the founding editor of Dr. Dobb’s Journal. He also founded the West Coast Computer Faire, a successful series of conferences in the late 1970s and early 1980s that was directly inspired by the Homebrew Computer Club. David is the co-creator of SuperHappyDevHouse, a Bay Area-based monthly hacker gathering.    (K3V)

I call them “panelists,” because this won’t be a traditional panel. This will be highly participatory, an opportunity to share your stories about hacking with others. It will be entertaining, engaging, and educational. So please come! (It’s free for SDForum members, $15 for everyone else.)    (K3W)

Jhai Foundation Seeks Tech Volunteers

Allen Gunn forwarded this call for help from Lee Thorn, chair of the Jhai Foundation, which is doing great work in developing countries and rural communities and which instigated the Jhai PC and Communication System. (Lee Felsenstein, someone I’ve admired for a long time, is actively involved.) They’re currently seeking:    (INU)

Software development volunteers with experience in relationship websites and wikis who would like to help me and others in our group to conceive, create and manage websites that will 1/help technologists doing work in alternative power and low power computing communicate and co-create; and 2/help local non-governmental groups across the world talk with each other about their successes and ask each other for help, whether or not they have facility in English.    (INV)

Contact lee-at-jhai-dot-org if you’re interested in helping.    (INW)