Eugene Eric Kim <>, February 8, 2001, v1.1
These requirements were culled from the Use Cases of the OHS Hyperscope and Editing Component. As with the other documents, this is only a rough compilation; feedback is encouraged. 1A (02)
Couple of things to note: There are currently no requirements for multidirectional links or for links to be bidirectional. 1B (03)
The system shall handle all types of documents, including legacy documents. 2A (05)
Documents shall have machine-readable structure. 2B (06)
The system shall allow you to change the way a document is displayed. 2C (07)
All documents shall have a unique address. 2D (08)
All documents shall be addressable at a document-dependent level of granularity. 2E (09)
The system shall support links between any two addressable units, including documents and parts of documents. 2F (010)
Links can be embedded in a document or stored outside of a document. 2G (011)
Links shall have direction. 2H (012)
Links shall have types. 2I (013)
The system shall support both forward and backward traversal of links. 2J (014)
The system shall support version control of documents. 2K (015)
The system shall support version control of links. 2L (023)
The system shall support access control of documents. 2M (016)
The system shall support access control of links. 2N (024)
The system shall support categorization of documents and of parts of documents, which can be created, added, deleted, and revised at any time. 2O (017)
There shall be a clear migration path for users. For example, if there is no OHS editing component for a particular application (such as the Hyperscope), then there must be a way to create a link in that application's document format using legacy tools. An early requirement that might arise out of this requirement is that links must be human-readable. 3A (019)
Links shall be easy to create. For example, in the Hyperscope phase, the spec might require a "display URL" option for each node so that links could be easily cut and pasted into an editor. Ideally and eventually, link creation should be a point-and-click affair. 3B (020)
The editing capabilities shall be well-integrated with the viewing capabilities. 3C (021)
The latency for displaying, expanding, and contracting nodes shall be very, very small. 3D (022)
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