Eugene Eric Kim <>
What is a "path address"? (4526)
Defines a path from one node to another [June 27, 2001] (4530)
How can we granularly address XHTML? (4329)
Use path addresses (e.g. XPointer) [June 27, 2001] (4342)
Author associates IDs with chunks of document (e.g. purple numbers) [July 27, 2001] (4333)
How do you define a document's data model to promote component reuse? [August 9, 2001, August 10, 2001] (4990)
How granular should nodes be? [August 9, 2001] (4994)
What is a document? (4270)
"View" of nodes taken from "node soup" [June 27, 2001] (4274)
"Links" to nodes don't break if nodes move to other documents [June 27, 2001] (4280)
What is an "indirect address"? (4496)
Dereferencing operator [July 13, 2001] (4739)
An address to a location containing an address [June 27, 2001] (4507)
Not a "path address" [June 27, 2001] (4500)
Examples? (4515)
URI [June 27, 2001] (4520)
How can we add metadata to documents? (4203)
Keep metadata outside of document, and link to document using granular addressing [June 27, 2001] (4224)
People other than original author can add/edit metadata without disturbing document [June 27, 2001, June 27, 2001] (4231)
How do you know where to find metadata? [June 27, 2001] (4370)
What if data moves from one document to another? [June 27, 2001] (4237)
With "node soup", metadata associated with node, not document [June 27, 2001] (4251)
Won't lose association between metadata and node if moved to different document [June 27, 2001] (4260)
With current filesystems, lose association between metadata and data [June 27, 2001] (4246)
Incorporate elements throughout XHTML document [June 14, 2001] (4207)
Author may change content without updating associated metadata [June 27, 2001] (4319)
Only the original author can provide metadata [June 27, 2001] (4216)
Really? (4350)
Combined with purple numbers, both author and others can provide metadata [June 27, 2001] (4356)
What is the OHS Launch Community? (5229)
What software are members developing? (5257)
NODAL (5302)
How is it different from Groves? (4891)
Data model for storage/version control more than addressability [August 9, 2001] (4899)
How to specify alternative data models for addressability? [August 9, 2001, August 9, 2001] (4906)
Plug-in functions that know how to address documents in different ways [August 9, 2001] (5006)
Doesn't solve the problem; functions work on different implicit data models [August 10, 2001] (5015)
Define multiple data models for single document [August 9, 2001] (4926)
What are storage implications? [August 9, 2001] (4932)
Document stored multiple times [August 9, 2001] (4937)
Can avoid this by defining relationships between data models [August 9, 2001] (4967)
Can you always guarantee isomorphic transformation between data models? [August 9, 2001] (4976)
Performance implications? [August 9, 2001] (4984)
How can it be used? [July 13, 2001] (4838)
Simple, typed, version-controlled file system [July 13, 2001] (4832)
Database backend for web publishing system [July 13, 2001] (4850)
Repository for all kinds of explicit knowledge infrastructure [July 13, 2001] (4864)
Subsystem for handling online dialog [July 13, 2001] (4857)
How does NODAL address legacy documents? (4746)
Explicitly associate NODAL representation with external doc [July 13, 2001] (4756)
Unresolved issues with version controlling external doc [July 13, 2001] (4762)
Preexisting documents read into repository and addressed using NODAL paths [July 13, 2001] (4750)
What is NODAL? (4772)
Designed to be "sneaky" [July 13, 2001] (4810)
Where can I find more info? (4477)
June 14, 2001 NODAL paper (4467)
Section on "Ubiquitous Collaboration" particularly well done [June 27, 2001] (4470)
Can we apply this more generally? (4871)
Whitepaper for OHS [August 9, 2001] (4876)
If you exclude technical details, large portion of audience won't understand power [August 9, 2001] (4952)
Description of storage repository detailed and thorough [June 27, 2001] (4617)
Description of grand vision well done [June 27, 2001] (4625)
Confused "indirect addressing" with "path addressing" [June 27, 2001] (4487)
Really? (4703)
In document, all addresses are paths [July 13, 2001] (4726)
Distinguishes between directly addressable nodes vs nodes addressed at any starting point [July 13, 2001] (4710)
Usage isn't wrong; the ontologies are just different [July 13, 2001] (4718)
Doesn't discuss relationships between data models [August 9, 2001] (4959)
Doesn't explain connection with HyTime Groves [June 27, 2001] (4610)
Missing depiction of architectures expected to use NODAL [June 27, 2001] (4632)
Missing description for addressing legacy documents [June 27, 2001] (4603)
What is NODAL missing? (4539)
Indirect addressing [June 27, 2001] (4553)
Augment has it [June 27, 2001] (4562)
What will this require? (4569)
Address data type or node [June 27, 2001] (4544)
Use atomic "name" type for addresses [June 27, 2001] (4576)
Requires consistent naming scheme for addresses (such as URIs) [June 27, 2001] (4586)
Nexist (5263)
News? [June 20, 2001] (4133)
June 20, 2001 (4138)
Modularized to easily drop in new "applications" [June 20, 2001] (4166)
PIM, IBIS, and experimental tabs separated out of Core [June 20, 2001] (4160)
Includes Windows batch files for starting up Nexist [June 20, 2001] (4154)
Available at [June 20, 2001] (4147)
To whom should the default Reply-To for the ohs-lc mailing list be set? [July 25, 2001] (4001)
List (4011)
More convenient to use MUA's reply command [July 25, 2001] (4091)
Sender (4006)
Prevents messages intended for sender from being accidentally sent to list [July 25, 2001] (4081)
Consistent w/ Internet mailing list etiquette [June 20, 2001] (4018)
Reply-To-All results in duplicate messages to sender [August 1, 2001] (4104)
How can we avoid this? (4111)
Install Majordomo 2.0; automatically filters reply addresses [August 4, 2001] (4122)
Set default Reply-To to list (4116)
Mail intended for list goes to sender only (4024)
When are the meetings? (4175)
4pm, July 12, 2001, SRI EK255 [July 12, 2001, July 12, 2001] (5086)
4pm, June 28, 2001, SRI EK255 [June 25, 2001, June 28, 2001] (4179)
Agenda? (5033)
Discuss an upcoming experiment [June 28, 2001] (5055)
Howard will describe his ontologies [June 28, 2001] (5060)
Discuss mailing list, Wiki, weekly summaries [June 8, 2001] (5047)
Project updates [June 28, 2001] (5038)
Minutes? (5068) [June 28, 2001] (5072)
Where are meeting products posted? [July 20, 2001] (5164) [July 25, 2001] (5183)
Change meeting times? [July 16, 2001] (5130)
12pm [July 16, 2001, July 17, 2001] (5137)
Reduces commute time by avoiding rush hour [July 16, 2001] (5142)
News? (5190)
July 23, 2001: Revised web site [July 23, 2001] (5194)
Posted dialog maps [July 23, 2001] (5201)
Member page [July 23, 2001] (5208)
What does it need? (5215)
People to submit bios [July 23, 2001] (5221)
How should we build and maintain the DKR? (3992)
Use purple numbers [June 20, 2001, June 20, 2001] (3996)
How do I add purple numbers to PDF or Word? [June 20, 2001] (4046)
Use Purple to create XML files, convert to XSL/FO, convert to PDF [June 22, 2001] (4061)
Create HTML list of docs, and add purple numbers there [June 20, 2001] (4054)
Why use PDF/Word rather than HTML? [June 22, 2001] (4070)
How will we build our ontology? (4186)
Start by ontologizing Lee's NODAL documents [June 22, 2001] (4190)
Release ontologies early and often [June 22, 2001] (4197)
What architectures can solve our problems? [June 27, 2001] (4640)
What are the architectural issues? (4655)
Knowledge elimination [June 27, 2001] (4697)
Knowledge reduction [June 27, 2001] (4690)
Knowledge representation [June 27, 2001] (4683)
Knowledge extraction [June 27, 2001] (4667)
Knowledge insertion [June 27, 2001] (4660)
Knowledge navigation [June 27, 2001] (4676)
How might these take advantage of NODAL? [June 27, 2001] (4648)
How shall we record Q&A sessions w/ Doug? (5094)
Live IBIS map of discussion [July 12, 2001] (5098)
Will slow down meeting [July 12, 2001] (5105)
How to export maps? (5171)
Eugene writing export tool [July 21, 2001] (5176)
More info on IBIS? (5113)
Jeff Conklin's July 12, 2001 brown bag at SRI [July 12, 2001] (5119)
What are the problems related to link integrity? (4299)
Document is deleted [June 27, 2001] (4363)
Content of node changes, but associated metadata is not updated [June 27, 2001] (4312)
Intended relationships may break if node or set of nodes are moved around [June 27, 2001] (4307)
What existing components could we use? (5021)
XPath/XPointer plug-in for Mozilla/Netscape [August 10, 2001] (5025)