I’ve been playing with Laconica for a while now, mostly on Identi.ca but also on some self-hosted sites for various projects. For the Grantsfire project, we thought that Laconica would be a great way to keep others updated without flooding our inboxes, so I installed the latest version. I noticed that there’s now a plugin API, so — with encouragement from Evan Prodromou — I decided to scratch an itch I’ve had for a while and write a Link As You Think Mediawiki plugin. (N5W)
It wasn’t too bad. My main challenge was figuring out PHP. I’ve looked at a lot of PHP code in my day, but I’ve never written a line of it until today. I thought I could skate by without spending too much time understanding PHP’s idioms and idiosyncracies, but — as is often the case — trying to skate by ended up taking more time than learning how PHP worked. The Laconica codebase is relatively clean, and I learned a lot by reading it. (N5X)
Many, many thanks to Evan Prodromou and all the Laconica hackers out there. It’s an awesome tool, and it’s enabling me to do some cool stuff that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. (N5Y)