Folks who know me best know that, while I like to keep track of cutting-edge trends, I myself am the classic late adopter. Part of it is practicality — if it works, why replace it? Part of it is excessive sentimentality. Up until a few years ago, I was still using a wallet my parents had given to me in elementary school! (1JC)
For the past seven years, my laptop of choice was a Toshiba Satellite Pro 425. I had upgraded the memory twice and the hard disk once, and it ran Windows 95 and Linux. About a year ago, I started having hard disk trouble. That, combined with my desire to run Compendium and to have wireless access compelled me to finally replace the machine… a year later. (1JD)
A few weeks ago, I purchased an iBook G4. Reasons for going Mac: (1JE)
- I wanted a machine that ran Mac O S X. There are a lot of interesting applications that run only on Mac O S X, especially those in the collaboration space, such as SubEthaEdit. Mac O S X also is based on FreeBSD. I can run most of the UNIX applications I use regularly while also having access to Mac O S apps. (1JF)
- These Apple notebooks are simply beautiful. I’ve been enamored with the form factor and ergonomics of these machines ever since they first came out, and I haven’t been disappointed. (1JG)
The alternative was an IBM Thinkpad X series notebook. I also think those are beautiful machines, and they have features that I really miss — thumbpad mouse, two (!) mouse buttons, etc. Plus, as much as I’m enjoying the Mac O S UI, there are still quirks I haven’t gotten used to. For example, Command-Tab doesn’t work exactly as I would like; I haven’t figured out how to cycle through windows as opposed to apps (although I’ve quickly learned that F9 is my friend). (1JH)
Nevertheless, I am very, very happy with my purchase. I’m also enjoying the new mobility and flexibility that the small form factor and built-in wireless affords me. (1JI)
Command-tab takes you between apps.
If you stay on command and do ` instead of tab, you’ll go the other direction.
If in an app, command-` will cycle the windows of that app.
I found it very weird to get used to, but better than command-tab cycling all windows.
If you like F9, since you’re on a notebook with the mouse nearby, you might find mouse gestures for Expose to be the ticket.
Does Compendium run nicely on it?
Compendium runs great on it! It helps to use a two button mouse, though. Chris, thanks for the tip!